Income Tax
- We prepare the full range of income, information reporting for not for profits, and estate and trust client. The firm has a complete library for doing research of technical issues in support of tax compliance as well as tax planning for the future.
- The combined technical experience of the firm’s tax professionals exceed over a hundred years preparing personal, corporate, partnership, and not for profit tax returns.
- The firm purchases each year the very best software available. The programs include very sophisticated rigorous diagnostic routines to valid the preparer’s data entry and applying every computation possible in 99.9% of all returns and is a third check of the return.
- The firm’s policy is normally for each individual tax return is to collect the information from the client by interview or information provided by the client. The return is prepared by first computing the tax manually using the good ole adding machine and running tapes to support the computations. Then a reviewer verifies the information on the computerized in-put sheet to the raw data provided by the client. If the reviewer identifies an area not covered in the interview or data provided by the client, the reviewer contacts the client to insure the information provided is complete and that the correct tax treatment is done, usually to decrease the client’s tax liability. The reviewer the re-compute manually the estimated tax. The input sheets are key entered into the tax program. The data entry person then compares the result to the manually computed amount. If the amounts agree then the return is printed and sent for a review by a senior staff member and for assembly by an assistant. After assembly all returns are looked at one final time for completeness to include all schedules and pages are attached to the taxpayer’s copy and there are no errors can be found from reading the return. The return is then signed by a partner and the client is informed the return is ready.
- Returns are filed electronically, as required by the IRS, unless the client completes an IRS form that they decline to file the return electronically. The return is transmitted through the internet to the company responsible for the software is subjected to a technical review of the return by running the data through several diagnostic computer programs. If the return needs correction is returned to the firm within hours and corrected. Once the return is validated by the tax service that links the transmittal of the return from our firm to the IRS, the return is sent to the IRS. This process has run seamlessly and without any significant problem for several years. SWCOPC has filed tax returns from the first year it was permitted to the present. This process eliminates many issues and provides a series of controls for transmission of returns.
- We are confident our regimen permits almost no errors due to because of our due diligence. Yes, we sometimes don’t get all the information from the client and the IRS is good about sending our clients communications asking for more money because they were provided information we were not given all the time.
Sales Tax
- Preparation and Compliance of sales tax returns including research on items subject to the tax out of state jurisdictions as well as those for Texas and Louisiana.
- Representation before a government taxing authority, normally in Texas the comptroller of public accounts; and also from other states including Louisiana before the Department of Revenue and Taxation or any of the Parish taxing authorities.
Payroll Tax Returns
- Preparation of payroll records to support information reported to the IRS on employment tax returns.
- Compliance and preparation of employment tax returns
- Advice on various methods of maintaining payroll information to satisfy IRS rules and hands on assistance at the client’s office with the client’s personnel that prepare payroll and are responsible for creating and maintaining required documents.
- Representation before the IRS for employment tax issues and advice on what is best for our client, before client agrees to any agreement with the IRS that may be dispute.
Other Federal and State Tax Returns
- Use tax returns to satisfy Comptroller of Public Accounts request’s for property purchased without paying sales tax that was not part of a product or service used in the manufacture of a product or principal service.
- Highway tax for commercial truckers.
- Excise tax returns for various industries, to include computation of amount to be paid to IRS.
- U. S. Census Bureau requests for information on payroll matters.